The Jakarta Post , JAKARTA | Mon, 03/02/2009 9:21 AM

Jihan Safira, 9, sat and chatted with her school friends at a shelter near an entrance to Ragunan Zoo, South Jakarta, on Sunday morning.
Her T-shirt, like that of most of her friends, was dripping with sweat after a 3-kilometer run around a track at the zoo. Jihan said she was tired, but had enjoyed the run.
“We could see several animals and gardens from the track. It was cool,” said the fourth-grader from state elementary school SDN 09 in Pademangan, North Jakarta.
Jihan was not alone. Dozens of children and adults participated in the “Run for H2O” event at the zoo, which was organized by Helping Hands, a student club from the Jakarta International School, and Jakarta Free Spirit, a running club.
More than 200 runners from different nationalities took part at the event, which was aimed to raise funds for the Safe Water in Schools program run by Helping Hands to provide clean water to five elementary schools in North Jakarta.
Sunday’s run included a 21-kilometer half marathon, 10K, 5K and 3K fun runs. Daniel Masrin, 16, the Helping Hands chairman, said his club members were interested in helping provide clean water to elementary schools students in North Jakarta after learning about severe water problems in the area.
“We learned that school students in North Jakarta had difficulties getting clean water,” he told The Jakarta Post.“We wanted to help them get access to clean water by installing a water tank at their school, so they can drink and wash their hands safely.”
Barbara Oravetz, Jakarta Free Spirit spokeswoman, supported the students’ program, saying the charity race had received an impressive response from the club’s members.
Residents of North Jakarta, located near the city’s coastline, have a long-standing problem getting access to clean water. They can no longer use groundwater wells as the wells have been affected by saltwater intrusion and industrial and human waste. The picture shows an official giving a cup of water to a participant.
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