Andi Hajramurni, The Jakarta Post, Makassar | Thu, 01/14/2010 8:17 PM
Despite its many weaknesses, democracy is the best system a country can adopt to promote people’s welfare, former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir said during a visit to Indonesia’s province of South Sulawesi on Thursday.

Mahathir was addressing an audience of around 1,000 at the graduate school of Hasanuddin University in Makassar. His speech concerned democracy following the recent religious turmoil in Malaysia over the use of word Allah by the Christian community.
“Is there any governance system better than that provided by the people, to people and for people?” he said at the seminar that also presented South Sulawesi Governor Syahrul Yasin Limpo.
Mahathir also warned of the possibility of a decline in democratic values as certain groups could derail it for their own vested interests.
“Even if a democracy goes well there is no guarantee it will bring prosperity to the people. Everything depends on the culture and maturity of the people in carrying out democracy,” Mahathir said.
Malaysia is a country that mixes the governance system of an institutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy. It is ruled by a premier elected by the people, and its king has no real power.
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